《Light The Sky》由阿联酋歌手Balqees、摩洛哥裔加拿大歌手Nora Fatehi、伊拉克巨星Rahma Riad和摩洛哥创作歌手Manal联袂演唱的歌曲。
《Light The Sky》是继全球热门歌曲《
Hayya Hayya(Better Together)》、《多哈欢迎你(Arhbo)》和《The World is Yours to Take》之后,卡塔尔世界杯官方原声带合辑的第四首单曲。
Everybody Everybody
Light the sky Light the sky
Shout if you're with me
Shout if you're with me
Hayya Hayya (هيا هيا)
Hayya Hayya (هيا هيا)
Everybody Everybody
Light the sky Light the sky
Shout if you're with me
Shout if you're with me
Hayya Hayya (هيا هيا)
Hayya Hayya (هيا هيا)
If you feel like a star
Then you feel like me
Gotta treat your self
Like a VIP
Let me show you around
I'll meet you in between
ما تشيل الهم
You can lean on me
Tonight we out to play oh
No worries it's okay oh
Look up like Galileo
The lights are saying hello
Tonight we out to play oh
No worries it's okay oh
Look up like Galileo
We up We up We up We up
Everybody Everybody
Light the sky Light the sky
Shout if you're with me
Shout if you're with me
Hayya Hayya (هيا هيا)
Hayya Hayya (هيا هيا)
Everybody Everybody
Light the sky Light the sky
Shout if you're with me
Shout if you're with me
Hayya Hayya (هيا هيا)
Hayya Hayya (هيا هيا)
If you feel like a star
Come and hang with me
Open up your heart
Let your love run free
Wanna spend some time
Then it's all on me
I can teach you things
Get your PHD
So now we have to play oh
No worries it's okay oh
Look up like Galileo
The lights are saying hello
So now we have to play oh
No worries it's okay oh
Look up like Galileo
We up We up We up We up
Everybody Everybody
Light the sky Light the sky
Shout if you're with me
Shout if you're with me
Hayya Hayya (هيا هيا)
Hayya Hayya (هيا هيا)
Everybody Everybody
Light the sky Light the sky
Shout if you're with me
Shout if you're with me
Hayya Hayya (هيا هيا)
Hayya Hayya (هيا هيا)
Hamein karna hai jo
Ham karenge wahin
Ham jaisa yahan
Par koi bhi nahi
Chahe east or west
Ham milenge yahin
You don't need no rest
You can lean on me
Trop fière ta pas idée, rah bdina men zero
N3ti rouhi w9elbi, ala bladna kannghero
Une nouvelle page une nouvelle histoire, chacun sa version
Viens l'écrire avec moi, a travers les saisons
Everybody Everybody
Light the sky Light the sky
Shout if you are with me
Shout if you are with me
Hayya Hayya (هيا هيا)
Hayya Hayya (هيا هيا)
Everybody Everybody
Light the sky Light the sky
Shout if you are with me
Shout if you are with me
Hayya Hayya (هيا هيا)
Hayya Hayya (هيا هيا)
《Light The Sky》单曲MV大气且先锋前卫,特邀卡塔尔世界杯6位女性裁判员出镜演绎,共同庆祝并致敬世界杯历史上首次引入女性裁判的开创精神。
她们分别是将担任本届世界杯裁判员的来自法国的Stphanie Frappart、卢旺达的Salima Mukansanga和日本的Yoshimi Yamashita;将担任助理裁判员的来自巴西的
Neuza Back、墨西哥的Karen Daz Medina和美国的Kathryn Nesbitt。